Flipping through the TV channels one lazy evening, I overheard a news commentator mentioning ”the long standing conflict between science and religion” in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. Because the relationship between science and religion is a subject for which I have great interest (and have studied intensely), I become frustrated when I hear such plainly false information being peddled as truth to an unsuspecting populace.
Far from there being a conflict between science and religion (religion here defined as theistic worldviews) there is a rich and flourishing dialogue regarding the interaction of science and religion within certain branches of academia. So much so, in fact, that both Oxford and Cambridge Universities have both set up chairs of Science and Religion in recent years. As Oxford University Professor of Science and Religion Peter Harrison puts it:
“Those who have magnified more recent controversies about the relations of science and religion, and who have projected them back into historical time, simply perpetuate a historical myth. The myth of a perennial conflict between science and religion is one to which no historian of science would subscribe.” (emphasis mine).
As an example of the harmony of Christianity with modern science, Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross notes in The Creator and the Cosmos that,
“Astronomers who do not draw theistic or deistic conclusions are becoming rare, and even the few dissenters hint that the tide is against them. Geoffrey Burbidge, of the University of California at San Diego, complains that his fellow astronomers are rushing off to join ‘The First Church of Christ of the Big Bang.’”
But the blatantly false “conflict between science and religion” is just one of the many distortions of truth which challenge Christian faith. The masses continue to be deceived by a constant barrage of misinformation from biased media sound bytes, and fashionable but fallacious “secular” philosophical views which cloak themselves as “rational” or “scientific.”
To their credit, the atheists/humanists have been very successful in their campaign of deception. In many instances, our laws have been rewritten in ways that help to marginalize Christianity. Prayer in schools and Christmas trees in public places, to cite just two examples, have been successfully undermined. And it goes without saying that what our society consumes from the entertainment industry only becomes further misaligned with Christian values as time progresses.
Sadly, perhaps the majority of Christians are unable to respond to this tide of misinformation because they are immersed in a culture which is increasingly biased against the Christian worldview. As a result, for example, young Christians are losing their faith on college campuses at alarming rates. This is despite the fact that the arguments of the most influential anti-Christian figures are easily refutable. For example, Christian philosopher William Lane Craig very conclusively demolishes the self-described “central argument” of atheist Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion (likely the most influential anti-Christian book) in a manner which can be easily understood by virtually anyone…(click here).
Fortunately for Christians, we live at a unique moment in history which provides unprecedented opportunity to reverse our society’s drift away from Christian values and Christian faith. Today, the internet is weakening the stranglehold on the flow of information which those with anti-Christian agendas have enjoyed for decades. Anti-Christian voices in the media and academia are vulnerable to being undermined by truth….if enough Christians are willing to take action.
I know from experience that hearts and minds can be quickly changed by exposure to the light of reason. Despite growing up in a Christian home, I went through a long period of agnosticism, which, as is usually the case, began during my college years. Like many college students, I passively absorbed the anti-Christian ideas and attitudes of my professors and fellow students….largely because I was never presented with rational arguments in support of Christianity. Agnosticism seemed to me a rational and open minded non-religion, whereas Christianity seemed to be based upon unreasoned wishful thinking and tradition.
My journey back to Christianity began when I realized that so-called “secularism” is really just an alternate set of religious beliefs which pretends to occupy neutral ground between competing religious views. These beliefs have been very cleverly and successfully sold to the public as “unbelief” and “skepticism,” but this is just a smokescreen intended to deflect logical scrutiny which they cannot withstand. As Timothy Keller deftly explains in The Reason for God:
“…even as believers should learn to look for reasons behind their faith, skeptics must learn to look for a type of faith hidden within their reasoning. All doubts, however skeptical and cynical they may seem, are really a set of alternate beliefs. You cannot doubt Belief A except from a position of faith in Belief B. For example, if you doubt Christianity because, ‘There can’t be just one true religion,’ you must recognize that this statement is itself an act of faith. No one can prove it empirically, and it is not a universal truth that everyone accepts.”
Indeed, when it comes to the claims of the so-called “secular” worldview, the Christian is the skeptic or unbeliever, whereas the atheist or agnostic is the true religious believer. And the “secular” worldview can only prosper in an environment in which its dubious claims are shielded from scrutiny.
I am ever fascinated by how successfully the Christian worldview provides an explanatory framework for our experience of the world, and how weak and self-defeating the “secular” worldview stands in comparison. An atheistic explanatory framework can never, for example, coherently explain why material things consistently follow laws such as the laws of physics. Atheism is stuck with a “they just do” explanation, which is, of course, really an avoidance of an answer.
Conversely, the Christian explanation for why material things follow laws is simple. As Robert Boyle, the founder of modern chemistry, put it:
“The nature of this or that body is but the law of God prescribed to it [and] to speak properly, a law [is] but a notional rule of acting according to the declared will of a superior.”
The history of the official atheist credos, known as the Humanist Manifestos (HMs), which were drafted and signed by prominent atheist figures at three points in time over the course of 70 years, provides valuable insight into the crafty campaign of deception which has misled our society into accepting atheist religious views as “secular” or “irreligious,” and thereby exempt from scrutiny. As Bo Jinn notes in his book Illogical Atheism, these manifestos “enunciate all of the commonly accepted atheistic creeds and dogmas of what had fittingly been designated by the atheist and humanist John J. Dunphy as ‘a Religion for the New Age.’”
Jinn continues by explaining how secular humanism cleverly reinvented itself as irreligion:
…the humanist religion soon descended from the pulpit and began its stealthy descent into so-called “irreligion” during the latter half of the 20th century, choosing to redefine itself as a movement which simply rejected all other religious traditions, as opposed to being a religious movement itself- an exceptionally brilliant legal and political maneuver. HM-II basically redefined secular humanism specifically so that it no longer bore the striking reminiscence of the religious worldview purported by HM-I. By the time HM-III came along, the atheistic movement of secular humanism was violently resisting religious classification outright- quite odd for an organization that had been a self-confessed religious order to begin with. Politics aside, this became the platform of deception used by atheistic organizations as a means of spreading their faith ever since; through the efficient networks of secular culture.
It is my vision that Christians work together to dislodge the atheist/humanist faith from the privileged and protected status which it has assumed within our culture and institutions. I am passionate about my mission to educate people as to why Christianity is the most rational worldview, and why the popular “secular” alternatives to Christianity are really just alternate religious views…religious views which fail to provide an adequate explanatory framework. Won’t you join me? Together, we can change the world for the better.
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