Thought of the Day

Atheistic melts like the Wicked Witch

Materialism is the philosophy (in which atheism is almost always grounded) which states that the concept of God is absurd because everything is ultimately material in nature, and God is an immaterial entity.  But philosopher Douglas Groothuis demonstrates how materialism melts when exposed to scrutiny, much as the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of OZ…


Beware of false atheist advertising!

famous atheists

100% natural! While walking the aisles of a local grocery store, one is likely to encounter this advertising claim a couple dozen times. And in most cases, the term is applied deceptively, as the savvy consumer with a habit of reading product labels knows. Similarly, many famous atheists are fond of suggesting that our universe…


If evolution is mindless, why does it favor survival?

Atheist biologists would have you believe that evolutionary processes are mindless, and purposeless. But the problem for such a claim is that survival is a goal or purpose. There is simply no way around this. If evolution is truly mindless and purposeless, why does it favor survival over non-survival? Physicist Amit Goswami writes in his…


Is belief in God like belief in unicorns?

God and unicorns

God and unicorns: A favorite atheist claim is that belief in God is akin to belief in unicorns. But, interestingly enough, the history of belief in unicorns has a crucial lesson to teach us about atheism: It is not sufficient for atheists to merely reject God as an ultimate explanation for such things as the…


Atheists cannot live as if their beliefs are true.

The real world provides a laboratory to test worldviews. The problem for atheism is that it fails in the laboratory of the real world. For example, atheism insists that we are nothing but mindless robots made of meat. But atheists cannot live as if this were actually true.  According to atheist biologist Richard Dawkins,  “We…


Why atheism is more than just a “non-belief” in God.

The more time one spends debating atheists, the more often one will encounter the argument that atheism is just a “non-belief” in God, and therefore does not need to be logically defended. Andy Bannister humorously highlights the absurdity of this idea by telling a story about a guy who denies the existence of the nation…

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