what happens after you die
How to evaluate an NDE skeptic’s materialist explanations for the phenomenon
Materialism (in which atheism is rooted) declares that only the material world is real, and that, therefore, human beings are nothing but physical bodies…which have no soul that survives bodily death. But the near-death experience (NDE) phenomenon poses a grave threat to this viewpoint. Therefore, atheist NDE skeptics have gone to great lengths to deny the reality of the NDE phenomenon, which, as NDE researcher Jeffrey Long M.D. states in his book Evidence for the Afterlife, often include a “reunion with deceased loved ones and with God, angels, Jesus.” Viewed in light of all of the evidence, one quickly begins to realize why materialist attempts to explain away the phenomenon fall flat.
Why death is not the end.
The view that we do not have a soul which survives physical death is presented by atheists as “scientific.” And this is a scientifically supportable stance…as long as one clings tenaciously to outmoded, pre-20th century science which suggests that only the physical/material world is real.
Has anyone ever met God and returned to tell about it?
In thousands of near-death experience (NDE) testimonies, individuals report having “come face-to-face with a personal God with whom they continue to maintain a loving relationship,” as the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) puts it. And, as Patrick Glynn notes in his book God: The Evidence, “the majority of researchers who have investigated the [near-death experience] phenomenon, generally professionals with medical, psychological, or other scientific training—many of whom started out as skeptics—have concluded that these experiences are authentic.”