scientific evidence for god
Why is there something rather than nothing?
The Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe (which enjoys near universal acceptance among astrophysicists) poses a grave threat to atheism. Astrophysicist Christopher Isham puts it best:
“Perhaps the best argument in favor of the thesis that the Big Bang supports theism is the obvious unease with which it is greeted by some atheist physicists. At times this has led to scientific ideas, such as continuous creation or an oscillating universe, being advanced with a tenacity which so exceeds their intrinsic worth that one can only suspect the operation of psychological forces lying very much deeper than the usual desire of a theorist to support his or her theory.”
Why death is not the end.
The view that we do not have a soul which survives physical death is presented by atheists as “scientific.” And this is a scientifically supportable stance…as long as one clings tenaciously to outmoded, pre-20th century science which suggests that only the physical/material world is real.
Has anyone ever met God and returned to tell about it?
In thousands of near-death experience (NDE) testimonies, individuals report having “come face-to-face with a personal God with whom they continue to maintain a loving relationship,” as the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) puts it. And, as Patrick Glynn notes in his book God: The Evidence, “the majority of researchers who have investigated the [near-death experience] phenomenon, generally professionals with medical, psychological, or other scientific training—many of whom started out as skeptics—have concluded that these experiences are authentic.”
Doesn’t evolution prove the biblical account of creation to be false?
Gerald Schroeder holds the unique qualification of being both a physicist (formerly on staff at MIT) and a biblical scholar. He writes:
“The atheist often wants ‘Made by Monkeys’ stamped right across our wonderfully high brows, while the theist often seeks to prove we are a direct line from the ‘dust from the ground’ (Gen 2:7). According to the book of Genesis and two-thousand-year-old traditional commentary thereon, the reality of our existence lies somewhere between these two extreme positions.”
Ockham’s Razor Cuts Through to the Truth
It is time to apply a logic so as to cut through the layers of garbage in order to reach the truth. “Ockham’s Razor” (named for the 14th century English logician and theologian William of Ockham) is a logical premise which says that a simple explanation is more likely to be true than a complex…