evidence for existence of jesus

How to evaluate an NDE skeptic’s materialist explanations for the phenomenon

Materialism (in which atheism is rooted) declares that only the material world is real, and that, therefore, human beings are nothing but physical bodies…which have no soul that survives bodily death. But the near-death experience (NDE) phenomenon poses a grave threat to this viewpoint. Therefore, atheist NDE skeptics have gone to great lengths to deny the reality of the NDE phenomenon, which, as NDE researcher Jeffrey Long M.D. states in his book Evidence for the Afterlife, often include a “reunion with deceased loved ones and with God, angels, Jesus.” Viewed in light of all of the evidence, one quickly begins to realize why materialist attempts to explain away the phenomenon fall flat.

OK…I want numbers. What is the probability the universe is the result of chance?

Readers of the essay entitled Is There A God (What is the Chance the World is the Result of Chance?) may be interested in knowing some hard numbers with regard to the probability that the universe occurred randomly (i.e. no conscious creator involved). When one examines these numbers, one immediately understands why the Cambridge University astrophysicist Fred Hoyle was justified in saying, “A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.”

If the evidence for God is so strong, why are so many smart people unconvinced?

Disbelief in God is most frequently presented by atheists as a conclusion arrived at from logical reasoning. But the truth is that atheism is most often the result of psychological and moral causes.

Quotes about God to consider…if you think science leads to atheism.

“The question of whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the Universe has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed.”

–Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary biology, as cited in his book Descent of Man.

Which God is real?

Assuming that there is a God—ask many atheists—which God is the right God? It will come as a surprise to many that the Judeo/Christian concept of God is actually much more than just a Judeo/Christian concept. Rather, it is an utterly trans-cultural and trans-historical concept. Further, God’s self-sacrifice on the cross is mentioned in many more places than just the Christian Bible. The Hindu scriptures known as the Upanishads and Vedas, ancient Chinese historical documents, and the Old Testament of the Bible (as well as other sources) provide references to God’s self-sacrifice which are extraneous to the Christian New Testament.

Why doesn’t God just show himself?

God makes his existence known, but does not force himself upon anyone.

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