creation science videos
The God of the Gaps: Why God and science are not competing explanations.
According to atheist reasoning, God is just an imaginary entity used to fill in gaps in current scientific understanding. Eventually (argue atheists), all of these gaps will be filled with scientific explanations that cite natural mechanisms…and there will be no more gaps in which to put God. But this reasoning fails to address the question of WHERE NATURAL MECHANISMS COME FROM, and therefore confuses science with ontology (the branch of philosophy which addresses the nature of being, existence, or reality).
I believe in science! Why do I need religion?!
Atheists have been very successful in duping the general public into believing that the question of God’s existence amounts to a debate between science and religion. But the God debate is a conflict of religion versus religion, or philosophy versus philosophy…not of science versus religion. “The so called warfare between science and religion,” writes the eminent historian Jacques Barzun, should actually “be seen as the warfare between two philosophies and perhaps two faiths.”
The Ultimate Cart-Before-the-Horse (Why Atheism is Illogical).
When one delves into the question of how conscious beings such as ourselves could emerge from non-conscious matter through natural processes (as atheism suggests), it becomes apparent that atheism relies much more on faith than does theism. Further, it becomes apparent that atheism is utterly illogical.
Why Do I Have To Believe In God to be Good?!
Atheistic explanations for human morality and beliefs are every bit as meaningless as atheists suggest the universe is.
God Is Real…Why modern physics has discredited atheism.
Which came first, mind or matter? In other words, is mind (or “consciousness”) the product of matter, or is matter the product of mind? Is our universe—at its core—a material universe, or is it a mental (or spiritual) universe?
It will come as a surprise to many that modern physics has done much to answer this question. And the answer which modern physics provides will require many people to completely reframe their perception of the world in which they live. As Max Planck (the Nobel Prize winning physicist who founded quantum theory) puts it: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”
Is There A God? (What is the chance that our world is the result of chance?)
Modern cosmology and astrophysics point to God as the source of the universe so strongly that, as astrophysicist Hugh Ross puts it, “Astronomers who do not draw theistic or deistic conclusions are becoming rare, and even the few dissenters hint that the tide is against them. Geoffrey Burbidge, of the University of California at San Diego, complains that his fellow astronomers are rushing off to join ‘The First Church of Christ of the Big Bang.’”