creation and evolution

Charles Darwin ‘s philosophical Trojan Horse

Startlingly, CHARLES DARWIN HIMSELF admitted that he did not have any direct evidence that the change over time of evolution was the result of random and unintelligent processes. He ADMITTED that this was a mere belief. As Darwin complained to Joseph Hooker in a letter included in his autobiography:

“I am actually weary of telling people that I do not pretend to adduce direct evidence of one species changing into another, but that I believe that this view in the main is correct because so many phenomena can be thus grouped and explained.” (emphasis added)

Why God? Why not just plain luck?

Atheistic reasoning often cites pure chance or luck as an alternative explanation to God for such phenomena as the origin of life and the origin of our universe.

Sure—the atheist argument goes—the probability of such things occurring naturally is very low…but with enough time, and even a slight probability, what is there to prevent virtually anything from happening?! But this atheist reasoning makes some very grave oversights. First of all, bare probability and large amounts of time, alone, cannot accomplish anything, ever. Period.