atheism about

The origin of life, and the man behind the curtain.

Much as Dorothy’s dog Toto pulled back the curtain to reveal a hidden man creating the illusion of the Wizard of Oz, one can pull back the curtain on the illusion of unintelligent natural mechanisms causing the origin of life. And when the curtain is pulled back on the most often cited evidence for these…

Atheism and the Denial of the Soul

Atheism MUST deny the existence of the immaterial self (the soul) because if consciousness can exist independent of matter (referring, of course, to the matter that makes up the human brain), then there is no reason to disbelieve in an immaterial, disembodied conscious being such as God.

But, unfortunately for atheism, there are very powerful scientific and philosophical reasons to believe in immaterial conscious beings.

On the Bible and fairy tales…atheist fairy tales.

As one studies the modern cosmology and astrophysics, one begins to realize that it has become much like a cat-and-mouse game where hardened atheist scientists try desperately to avoid both the clear theistic implications of Big Bang (origin of the universe) science, and the eerie similarities between the biblical and scientific accounts of creation.

The No-God Delusion

The psychiatric definition of “delusion” associates “delusion” with poor mental health. And a vast amount of research demonstrates that theistic belief is BENEFICIAL to one’s mental (and physical) health…whereas disbelief is HARMFUL. Utilizing the psychiatric definition of “delusion,” then, it is clearly atheists who are more deluded.

The ancient fable behind disbelief in Christ’s resurrection.

Disbelievers in Christ’s resurrection would have one believe that the resurrection is an ancient fable. But it is actually DISBELIEF in Christ’s resurrection that springs from belief in an ancient fable…the ancient fable known as materialism or naturalism.

How atheism relies on "special pleading".

Atheism claims to be scientifically based but demands exemptions from accepted methods of scientific reasoning and from scientific laws.

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