apologetics christian

Do Christ’s divinity and resurrection defy common sense?

The biblical claims about the divinity and resurrection of Jesus only violate common-sense when viewed from the lens of materialism (which says that only the world of material things is real). But materialism is a scientifically unsupportable stance.

Why believing precedes knowing…and EVERYONE has a faith.

The person who disbelieves in God can only do so from the vantage point of some other belief which precedes and therefore underlies scientific inquiry…not from the vantage point of a “skeptical“ lack of any belief. Atheists are “skeptical” of Christianity (etc.), but are very rarely skeptical of the scientifically and philosophically unsupportable belief system that is alternately referred to as materialism or naturalism. When it comes to materialism/naturalism, Christians (and other theists) are the skeptics, and atheists are the true believers.

Which God is real?

Assuming that there is a God—ask many atheists—which God is the right God? It will come as a surprise to many that the Judeo/Christian concept of God is actually much more than just a Judeo/Christian concept. Rather, it is an utterly trans-cultural and trans-historical concept. Further, God’s self-sacrifice on the cross is mentioned in many more places than just the Christian Bible. The Hindu scriptures known as the Upanishads and Vedas, ancient Chinese historical documents, and the Old Testament of the Bible (as well as other sources) provide references to God’s self-sacrifice which are extraneous to the Christian New Testament.

Isn’t Christianity a myth?

It may shock many readers (at first) to learn that the answer we provide to this question is an unqualified “yes.” But it may also shock the reader to learn that Christianity’s existence as a myth does not undercut, but rather bolsters, its veracity. Two mythology experts of the highest caliber, C.S. Lewis (who was a Professor of Medieval and Renaissance studies at Cambridge University) and J.R.R. Tolkien (author of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and the Merton Professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford University), explain why Christianity is a “true myth.”