Philosophical Arguments For God
How atheism impersonates science.
What atheists present as “science” supporting their views is actually extremely shoddy philosophy posturing or posing as science…a posing and posturing that would make Elvis impersonators proud.
Read More...Why calling theism “primitive superstition” shows primitive understanding.
Atheistic reasoning which judges belief in God to be a “primitive superstition superseded by science” fails to understand the nature and limitations of scientific knowledge.
Read More...Why believing precedes knowing…and EVERYONE has a faith.
The person who disbelieves in God can only do so from the vantage point of some other belief which precedes and therefore underlies scientific inquiry…not from the vantage point of a “skeptical“ lack of any belief. Atheists are “skeptical” of Christianity (etc.), but are very rarely skeptical of the scientifically and philosophically unsupportable belief system that is alternately referred to as materialism or naturalism. When it comes to materialism/naturalism, Christians (and other theists) are the skeptics, and atheists are the true believers.
Read More...Why trying to explain away God with science is an ERROR
Atheistic reasoning often suggests that “science explains things without the need for God.” But such a suggestion is what is known in philosophical terms as a “category error.” Science describes things in terms of natural laws, but does not explain where natural laws come from or how they are enforced.
Read More...Why atheism is self-defeating.
Atheism is rooted in the worldview known as naturalism (which says that there is no reality outside of the natural world). But naturalism leaves us no reason to think that we can rely on our reason. By dismissing God, naturalists have stripped away any reason to think that human reason can lead to truth. We should therefore dismiss naturalism as having no more value than the empty “convictions of a monkey’s mind” (in the words of Charles Darwin).
Read More...The God of the Gaps: Why God and science are not competing explanations.
According to atheist reasoning, God is just an imaginary entity used to fill in gaps in current scientific understanding. Eventually (argue atheists), all of these gaps will be filled with scientific explanations that cite natural mechanisms…and there will be no more gaps in which to put God. But this reasoning fails to address the question of WHERE NATURAL MECHANISMS COME FROM, and therefore confuses science with ontology (the branch of philosophy which addresses the nature of being, existence, or reality).