Posted on April 24, 2012 By Scott Youngren
I was amused to discover the following statement at an atheist website: …I do believe that is why science will eventually do away with the need for religion. Our available information grows at astounding rates, even the most out of touch person today knows more about the world and the universe than the most intelligent of people 1,000 years ago. Science will only continue to expand while religion will only…
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Articles • Evidence for God from Science • Philosophy     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , atheist and christian , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god atheism , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , god vs. science , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , science vs religion , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for god , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , scientists for god , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god
Posted on March 21, 2012 By Scott Youngren
“There is a wide measure of agreement which, on the physical side of science approaches almost unanimity, that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter. We are beginning to suspect that we ought rather to hail mind as the creator…
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Articles • Evidence for God from Science • Science     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , atheist and christian , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god atheism , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , god vs. science , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , science vs religion , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for god , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , scientists for god , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god
Posted on February 29, 2012 By Scott Youngren
I am sometimes asked, “Why do I need to believe in God to be a good person?!” And my simple answer is: you don’t. But the question itself misses the point: One does not need to believe in God to be what society considers a “good person,” but there does have to be a God for there to be such a thing as “good.”
A moral law requires a source,…
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Articles • Philosophical Arguments For God • Philosophy     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , atheist and christian , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god atheism , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , moral argument for god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god argument , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god
Posted on February 13, 2012 By Scott Youngren
“If we need an atheist for a debate, we go to the philosophy department. The physics department isn’t much use.”
–Robert Griffiths, winner of the Heinemann Prize in mathematical physics.
“What is mind? Never matter. What is matter? Never mind!“
—T.H. Key
Virtually everyone is familiar with the popular conundrum, “Which came first…the chicken or the egg?” But probably very few people realize that the question of God’s…
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Articles • Evidence for God from Science • Recommended • Science     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , atheist and christian , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god and physics , god atheism , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , god is real , god is real proof , god quantum physics , god vs. science , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how can i know god is real , how can you prove god is real , how do I know god is real , how do i know that god is real , how to know that god is real , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , science vs religion , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for god , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , scientists for god , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god
Posted on February 1, 2012 By Scott Youngren
“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being…. This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all.”
—Sir Isaac Newton, who is widely regarded to have been the greatest scientist the world has ever produced.
Comedian Henny Youngman once famously quipped, “After reading about the…
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Articles • Evidence for God from Science • Science     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god atheism , god big bang , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , god the universe , god vs. science , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , science vs religion , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for god , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , scientists for god , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god
Posted on January 18, 2012 By Scott Youngren
It is common to observe atheists making comments such as the following on online forums: “I don’t believe in God, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, fairies, unicorns, hobgoblins, or any other such make-believe creatures!”
But the truth is very much opposite to the atheist rhetoric. It is actually disbelief in God that requires adults to play games of make-believe …games that rival those of those of children in their measure…
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Articles • Evidence for God from Science • Science     a belief in god , a case for god , about atheism , about god , argument about god existence , arguments god exists , articles on science , atheism about , atheist and christian , best evidence of god , bible historical evidence , bible proof of god , concept of god , creation science videos , debate on god , did jesus exist , do god exist scientifically , does god exist scientific proof , does science prove god exists , empirical evidence of god , evidence for existence of jesus , Evidence For God , evidence for god book , evidence for god from science , evidence of existence of jesus , evidence of god existence , evidence of jesus christ , evidence of the existence of jesus , evidence that god exist , evidence that jesus is god , evidence there is a god , god and cosmology , god and philosophy , god atheism , god delusions , god fairy tale , god is existence , god vs. science , historical evidence for the bible , historical evidence of the bible , how to prove god exists from science , irrefutable evidence of god , is atheism a philosophy , is god exist , is there any scientific evidence of god , is there evidence for god , is there evidence of god , jesus son god , no evidence of jesus , on the existence of god , philosophy of existence , philosophy of god , physical evidence of god , proof of existence of god , proof that god , proof that heaven is real , resurrection of god , science prove god exists , science vs religion , scientific evidence bible , scientific evidence for god , scientific evidence for jesus , scientific evidence for the existence of god , scientific evidence god exists , scientific evidence of jesus , scientific facts proving creationism , scientists for god , tell me about god , the argument for god , the delusion of god , the god delusions , the god theory , the historical evidence for jesus , the philosophy of god , the resurrection of the christ , theist beliefs , what is belief in god