Evidence for God from Science

Why belief in unicorns is more logical than atheism

belief in unicorns

Comparison of belief in God to belief in unicorns is pervasive in the atheist blogosphere. But the history of belief in unicorns has an extremely interesting lesson to teach, in regards to atheism. Bo Jinn brilliantly explains in Illogical Atheism how belief in unicorns is actually significantly less superstitious than atheism: It is not enough…


Atheist fallacy #4: Straw man fallacy

straw man fallacy

Refuting a distorted or misrepresented version of someone’s logical argument is usually much easier than responding to that person’s actual argument. And considering that we live in a culture which places such importance upon convenience, it is not surprising that this logical fallacy, known as a straw man fallacy, is so prevalent in atheist argumentation….


The many Christians crucial to science.

Christians crucial to science

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

—Werner Heisenberg, who was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics for the creation of quantum mechanics (which is absolutely crucial to modern science). Heisenberg was a devout Lutheran Christian, publishing and giving several talks reconciling science with his faith. He was a member of Germany’s largest Protestant religious body, the Evangelische Kirche.


Is belief in God unscientific?

Is belief in God unscientific?

Despite what popular culture seems to believe, there is no way to logically discern science from pseudo-science. This is a very big problem for atheists who try to promote their worldview as “scientific,” whereas belief in God is “unscientific.”


God, Unicorns, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster

As difficult as it may be for our materialist culture to comprehend, an immaterial consciousness or mind (read: God) is a much better candidate for the ground of all being (“prime reality,” or the “something from which everything else comes”) than matter or stuff.


Self-deception and atheism


Why do so many scientists believe that life resulted from unintelligent natural processes if such is not the case? The short answer is that self-deception is a powerful force in human psychology. But the capacity for a group of people to deceive itself is actually much greater than the capacity of an individual to deceive…

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