
Some Things to Consider…

Beware of false atheist advertising!

famous atheists

100% natural! While walking the aisles of a local grocery store, one is likely to encounter this advertising claim a couple dozen times. And in most cases, the term is applied deceptively, as the savvy consumer with a habit of reading product labels knows. Similarly, many famous atheists are fond of suggesting that our universe…


Without Christianity, There Would Be No Modern Science

Christian beliefs and science

Contrary to popular belief that Christianity serves to hinder science, Christianity provides the underlying conceptual framework upon which science is built.


Why everyone is religious…or rather, nobody.

In the course of day-to-day conversation, virtually everyone has heard someone make the statement, “I am not religious,” in order to convey a lack of affiliation with theistic belief systems such as Christianity. But one can only doubt Christianity from the vantage point of another belief system, because everyone needs a belief system in order to make sense of one’s experience.


No God means no justice

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men evolved equal, that they are endowed by some other people with certain inalienable Rights…”

Imagine if Thomas Jefferson had chosen to put these words in the Declaration of Independence instead of his actual words, which reference our Creator as the source of equality and inalienable rights. There are some very big problems with grounding equality and human rights in anything other than in a transcendent source (read: God).


Goals in nature point to God

The production of living things relies on goal directed (or “teleological”) processes, and goal directed processes can only be accomplished by a mind. Atheists must sweep goal directed behavior under the rug in order to do away with God.


Atheism’s problem of evil.

The existence of evil is frequently presented as a problem for theism, but in reality, it is a problem for atheism…a devastating problem. Evil can only exist as a deviation from good, much as crookedness can only exist as a deviation from straightness. But what is the source of goodness, and who or what determines just what good is?

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