
Some Things to Consider…

God, Unicorns, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster

As difficult as it may be for our materialist culture to comprehend, an immaterial consciousness or mind (read: God) is a much better candidate for the ground of all being (“prime reality,” or the “something from which everything else comes”) than matter or stuff.


The delusion of Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion”

Dawkins' The God Delusion

But where did God come from? Atheists allege that if one cannot explain where God came from, theism cannot be viewed as a legitimate explanation for such things as the origin of life and the origin of the universe.  The more time one spends debating atheists online, the more one will realize that this is…


Self-deception and atheism


Why do so many scientists believe that life resulted from unintelligent natural processes if such is not the case? The short answer is that self-deception is a powerful force in human psychology. But the capacity for a group of people to deceive itself is actually much greater than the capacity of an individual to deceive…


The case for God is not a case of the God of the gaps

the god of the gaps

“We don’t know how life came to exist, so let’s just give up and assume that God did it!” Atheists are fond of portraying theism as the God of the gaps,  or a means of filling in gaps in current scientific knowledge. But, quite to the contrary, what we currently know about biology leads inexorably to…


The cause of the origin of the universe.

origin of the universe

What is the cause of the origin of the universe? Perhaps every thinking person has pondered this question at some point. The natural universe (which includes the properties of space, time, matter, and energy) came into being at the cosmological event known as the Big Bang. Because it is a logical absurdity to suggest that…


The suicidal tendencies of atheism.

atheist beliefs

One can learn to recognize false atheist beliefs by taking a lesson from poker: Top poker players become successful in part because they develop an ability to recognize non-verbal cues made by their opponents known as “tells.” A nervous facial tick, for example, may likely be a “tell” that a poker player is holding a…

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