Darwinist detective work.
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” Such are the words of the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And a little detective work quickly eliminates the alternative to God which atheists cite as the cause for life: Natural laws. Realizing specifically…
Read More...The cultural smokescreen which obscures God.
Like fish who do not realize they are swimming in water, we can easily fail to perceive the extent to which culture shapes, and often distorts, our perception of the world. In our culture, male babies wear blue, and female babies wear pink. And typically, only women wear skirts. But is there something intrinsically feminine…
Read More...Why belief in unicorns is more logical than atheism
Comparison of belief in God to belief in unicorns is pervasive in the atheist blogosphere. But the history of belief in unicorns has an extremely interesting lesson to teach, in regards to atheism. Bo Jinn brilliantly explains in Illogical Atheism how belief in unicorns is actually significantly less superstitious than atheism: It is not enough…
Read More...Atheist fallacy #4: Straw man fallacy
Refuting a distorted or misrepresented version of someone’s logical argument is usually much easier than responding to that person’s actual argument. And considering that we live in a culture which places such importance upon convenience, it is not surprising that this logical fallacy, known as a straw man fallacy, is so prevalent in atheist argumentation….
Read More...Atheist fallacy #3: Genetic Fallacy
An atheist commenter to the Facebook page writes, “It is an absolute fact that if you had been born in an Islamic country you would almost certainly be a Muslim; if born in India you would be a Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist depending on the region and your culture; and so on. It’s all…
Read More...Atheist fallacy #2: Equivocation fallacy
“Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?” …quipped comedian Groucho Marx. Humor can be achieved with an equivocation, which is the use of two different meanings of a term, as if they were the same. In Marx’s joke, the second usage of the term institution is a reference to…